empowering brands, inspiring hearts

Purpose Driven Social Media Support From Concept to Launch
I am here to help you amplify your social media presence into a powerful tool to connecting with your audience and achieve your business marketing objectives.

are you struggling to navigate the social media maze?

Let's talk about the journey you've embarked on – building your online business. It's an exciting adventure filled with endless possibilities, but let's be real, it's not all smooth sailing, is it? There are moments when you feel like you're lost in a maze, especially when it comes to conquering the realm of social media marketing. You're not alone. Many of online business owners have been right where you are, grappling with internal struggles that hold you back from shining brightly in the digital world. Let's shine a light on some of those struggles:

Lack of Clarity:

Ever find yourself scratching your head, wondering who exactly your ideal clients are? It’s tough to create content and engage effectively when you’re not crystal clear on who you’re speaking to.


The sheer number of social media platforms and strategies out there can feel like a tidal wave crashing over you. Which platform should you focus on? What strategies will actually work for your business?

Imposter Syndrome

Ah, that nagging voice in your head that whispers, “Who are you to share your wisdom with the world?” It’s a tough one to shake off, especially when you’re comparing yourself to other coaches who seem to have it all figured out.

Fear of Visibility

Ever find yourself scratching your head, wondering who exactly your ideal clients are? It’s tough to create content and engage effectively when you’re not crystal clear on who you’re speaking to.

Time Management:

Running an online coaching business is a juggling act, isn’t it? Between client sessions, administrative tasks, and personal commitments, finding time to master social media marketing can feel like an impossible feat.

Tech Overwhelm:

Admit it, navigating the tech side of social media can make your head spin. Analytics, algorithms, hashtags – it’s enough to make you want to throw your laptop out the window.

What if you could...

Imagine a world where navigating the world of social media marketing felt like a breeze – where clarity, confidence, and connection were your guiding stars.

Picture yourself stepping into your power as a coach, service provider, CEO online business owner,  attracting your dream clients with ease and authenticity.

What if you could:

1. Gain Crystal-Clear Clarity: No more second-guessing who your ideal clients are or what content will resonate with them. With a clear understanding of your audience and their needs, you’ll effortlessly create content that speaks directly to their hearts.

2. Embrace Overwhelm-Free Growth: Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to focused growth. By honing in on the social media platforms and strategies that align with your goals and strengths, you’ll cut through the noise and make a meaningful impact where it matters most.

3. Crush Imposter Syndrome: Kick imposter syndrome to the curb and own your expertise with unwavering confidence. You’ll no longer measure your worth by someone else’s yardstick but instead embrace your unique journey and the value you bring to the table.

4. Fearlessly Embrace Visibility: Step into the spotlight with courage and conviction, knowing that your message is worthy of being heard. Embrace vulnerability, share your story authentically, and watch as your tribe rallies around you, eager to join you on your journey.

5. Master Time Management:Become a time-management ninja, effortlessly balancing your coaching sessions, business tasks, and personal life with grace and ease. With streamlined systems and strategic workflows in place, you’ll reclaim your time and focus on what truly matters.

6. Banish Perfectionism: Release the need for perfection and embrace progress over perfection. You’ll give yourself permission to show up imperfectly, knowing that your authenticity is what truly resonates with your audience.

7. Conquer Tech Overwhelm: Tame the tech beast and become the master of your digital domain. You’ll navigate social media platforms and tools with confidence, leveraging their power to amplify your message and reach your ideal clients.

8. Cultivate Consistent Branding: Define your brand identity and share your story with clarity and consistency. You’ll create a cohesive online presence that attracts your dream clients like a magnet, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.

My CEO Baddass Business Woman, this world isn’t just a figment of your imagination – it’s within your reach. With the right guidance, support, and mindset, you can turn these “what ifs” into your new reality. Are you ready to make it happen?

Let’s make your dreams a reality!


love to social

Your social media strategy and planning wing woman here to help you create your social media campaigns from concept to launch. 

The process

At Launch with Love, our Social Media Method isn’t just about gaining followers or likes – it’s about forging deep, meaningful connections with your ideal clients and transforming their lives for the better. Are you ready to launch with love and revolutionize your social media presence? 

Social Media Package 1: Social Starter

Social Media Package 1: Social Starter

What You Get:

  • Customized social media strategy tailored to your business goals and target audience.
  • Creation of branded social media profiles on up to three platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
  • Development of a content calendar outlining weekly posting schedules and content themes.
  • Creation of 10 high-quality social media posts (graphics, captions, etc.) per month.
  • Basic engagement management, including responding to comments and messages on social media platforms.

What’s Required from You:

  • Provide background information about your business, target audience, and goals.
  • Collaborate with us to refine your brand messaging and content preferences.
  • Provide feedback on content drafts and strategy proposals as needed.

Price (GBP):

  • Paid in full: £500
  • 2-month installment plan: £275/month
  • 6-month installment plan: £100/month


  • Week 1: Initial consultation and strategy development.
  • Weeks 2:  Profile setup and content calendar creation.
  • Weeks 3-4: Content creation and approval process.
  • Ongoing: Weekly posting and engagement management.

Social Media Package 2: Growth Accelerator

What You Get:

  • Everything included in the Social Starter package, plus:
  • Increased posting frequency with up to 20 high-quality social media posts per month.
  • Advanced engagement management, including proactive community building and influencer outreach.
  • Monthly performance reports with key metrics and insights.

What’s Required from You:

  • Same as Social Starter package, with additional collaboration on influencer outreach strategy and target audience identification for community building.

Price (GBP):

  • Paid in full: £800
  • 2-month installment plan: £450/month
  • 6-month installment plan: £165/month


  • Similar to Social Starter package but with increased posting frequency and ongoing influencer outreach/community building efforts.

Social Media Package 3: Ultimate Impact

What You Get:

  • Everything included in the Growth Accelerator package, plus:
  • Expanded social media presence with up to five platforms covered.
  • Comprehensive social media advertising strategy with ad creation and management.
  • Monthly strategy review and optimization sessions.

What’s Required from You:

  • Same as Growth Accelerator package, with additional collaboration on ad campaign objectives, budget allocation, and target audience refinement.

Price (GBP):

  • Paid in full: £1200
  • 2-month installment plan: £675/month
  • 6-month installment plan: £250/month


  • Similar to Growth Accelerator package but with expanded platform coverage and ongoing ad campaign management and optimization. Monthly strategy review sessions are added for continuous improvement.


No more going it alone, not knowing what to post or posting for the sake of ‘showing up’ its time to stop the scroll and have fun with your content

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Hey, there ceo baddass

I’m Clare, the visionary CEO and heart-centered badass behind Launch With Love. With a passion for making waves and a knack for shaking up the status quo, I’m on a mission to revolutionize the way we approach social media marketing.

But here’s the twist – I believe that true success isn’t just about numbers on a screen or money in the bank. It’s about connecting with people on a deeper level, making a meaningful impact, and spreading love and positivity wherever we go.

So buckle up, because with me as your right hand woman, we’re not just building a business – we’re building a community!  A community fuelled by passion, purpose, and a whole lot of badassery.

Welcome to the journey. Let’s make some magic together✨

ready to have support & fun with your social media?

Let’s get started and create a social media plan is fun and easy!

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